Help the Eagles soar in Scotland! AFLG’s Euro Cup Crowdfunding appeal

The German Eagles National Teams need your financial support for the upcoming Euro Cup in Scotland.

On June 18, 2022, the German Eagles Men’s and Women’s teams will face off against national teams from around Europe in Edinburgh, Scotland, with the aim of becoming European champions. With a group of approximately 40 people – including the players and volunteer support staff for two teams – the costs are naturally considerable. As the German AFL teams do not yet receive any official funding, we therefore need your support. While it should go without saying that we love any moral support you can give us, we also need any financial backing.

The AFL Germany Support Association (Förderverein AFL Germany) has established a crowdfunding campaign to assist the players and support staff to reduce the costs associated with the tournament. In addition to gratefully accepting your donations, there are other offers that can be chosen that will directly help.

Any support that you can give would assist the players to cover the costs of representing Germany. Details of options for the campaign can be found at following the launch at 10 a.m. on May 18, 2022. Corporate support is also welcome.

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